Historic Craftsmanship
Reuben Smith’s Tumblehome Boatshop is focused on the high‐end restoration and new construction of historic and classic wooden boats.
Why Tumblehome?
Expert Restoration
Every wooden boat has a heritage and a future – both of which factor into how, and to what extent, a restoration is conducted at Tumblehome Boatshop.
Learn more about our restoration philosophy and approach here.
New Construction
Rather than offering a stock line of wooden boats, new construction boat building at Tumblehome Boatshop is focused on building fully custom boats of the highest quality to suit your specific needs.
Historic Craftsmanship
To us it’s more than words. It’s our passion. At Reuben Smith’s Tumblehome Boatshop, we feel we have a responsibility to take the lessons learned from generations of boatbuilders before us and apply it to our craft today.
Find out more about our commitment to Historic Craftsmanship.
Facilities with a Purpose
We encourage clients and their families to visit the shop and engage with their boat project along with us. We’ve set up our facilities at Tumblehome to accommodate this.
What’s in a Name?
“Tumblehome” is an old boatbuilding term, referring to boat shape. The opposite of flare, tumblehome is where the upper part of the sides of a boat curve back inward.
You can see tumblehome most distinctly at the stern of a boat.